It is all in the heart


Oneness, Part I

Written in 2017

The whole universe is inside my heart.


It all has started when I was quietly lying in the bed one night - I started moving my hands near my heart. It was kind of normal in a way, as time to time, when I was all by myself, uninterrupted, aware and in the flow, I would move my hands following what comes to my “mind”. Sometimes and especially in the beginning, it was clearing above myself, kind of like pushing away/ opening up layers of covers/ veils that my whole being (or even our planet) was enveloped in. Sometimes it was healing myself with my own hand(s), sending healing energy from the palm(s) to all over my body. Sometimes it was something entirely different.

But back to the heart and that 1st night when I started doing “unusual”/ different movements with my hands near the chest area. Following an impulse, I intuitively pushed my hands together in front of the heart and with a force pull them apart several times. Then other times I would clapped near my chest. It was almost like digging into/ pulling of layers/ “uncovering” something inside me now. Only later it dawn on me – I was opening my heart! My heart chakra. My high heart. It lasted for a few weeks or months in one way or another.

As a confirmation, once driving a car and thinking about this, I turned on a radio, and the first words I heard as part of a song were “open heart”. The other confirmation was in the window display I saw while strolling in the streets of Manhattan. It said “Open your heart. It takes courage.” Signs are everywhere.

Many times after, I felt that my heart space (high heart chakra) is like a huge well - a portal. Sometimes I would feel/ see a whole universe in there – literally - planets, stars, galaxies, space.

Everything and everybody is part of it - part of me - right in my heart.

A lot of times, while doing meditations, ascended masters, angels, archangels, guides, and other beings of Light would “merge” with me into my heart space. This could be a separate conversation in itself - merging into One/ Oneness, though it is a part of the same story.

Our hearts are portals/ vortices - doors to the higher consciousness.

“…it is through our hearts that we strive for unity consciousness with all life and with Mother Earth Herself.” *

Below is what I found while searching for more information regarding my experiences with heart space.

“The Heart Chakra rules the Beta wave consciousness of everyday third dimensional life and the Alpha wave consciousness, which is the bridge to the higher dimensions. When our hearts are open, we can live the beauty of every moment, smell every rose, create a reality of love and harmony and combine our superconscious guidance with our mundane life.” *

“Our Heart Chakra determines our ability to expand our consciousness. There is no degree of meditation that will access the higher dimensions if we cannot open our hearts to love. Without love we could not travel beyond the Lower Astral Plane and our consciousness would be limited to the separation and limitation represented by our ego self.” *

Just close your eyes and go within. Be in the flow. Listen and follow intuition wherever it takes you. Open your heart! See, feel it - the whole universe is there.

 *Taken from other sources. When it all started, I searched for more information/ understanding and whatever “spoke” to me, I would copy it to my notebook. Unfortunately, most of the time, it was without noting where it was found. My apologies and gratitude to the original sources.


What are the HIgher Self and the Guides?