Rainbow Bridge/ Ascension


Rainbow bridge… Ascension… Connection to God/ Higher Self…

This peculiar, vibrant drawing came about when I sat down thinking of drawing a rainbow or a rainbow bridge. This presentation of a rainbow bridge was totally unexpected.

A connection between physical and non-physical, between Earth and Sun and “Havens”, between humans and God, between one's body and Higher Self/ I AM. A connection that stems from the heart and always there.

A connection between one's heart and mind. Between the heart and 3rd Eye/ Sacred Wisdom. That could be described as Love (heart) and Light (mind) connection. LoveLight and LightLove.

It is through the open heart we connect with our I AM and Father/ Mother God. Through our open loving heart, a portal to the other multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves opens.

A rainbow bridge. Ascension. Bliss.

This drawing is available for purchase as card, canvas, tapestry & others via Printify Pop-up Shop. Please check https://alena-heartlight.printify.me/products.


Divine Mother


Guiding Light in Heart