Travelling the Universe by "thought" through time and space.
This was drawn after reading about "biological/ organic" teleportation (vs using a technological space craft or "artificial"), mentioned in a few different books. In the first book, it talked about individual travelling through "self" into a new territory - "stargate" or, in other words, in a Merkaba (light spirit body). [1]
The second book talked about possibilities of humans to teleport themselves and a place together with people on it. "The ancestral estate (kin’s domain) could be at the same time a biological interplanetary ship controlled by human thoughts..." [2]
These drawing might have different meanings though.
1) Possibly travelling across Universe in your individual "merkaba", your light spirit body - spirit "space craft", represented as an Eye. Through focused thought/ intention (yellow circle in the iris).
2) Or .. A human evolution in higher stages - humanity as a whole, transmuting darkness into the rainbow light. Iris of the eye could represent our planet Earth.
3) Possibly it represents both concepts/ meanings - 1 and 2.
An eye is very common in my drawings. To me it could represent a 3rd eye - higher perception, which is also considered a gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness; a stargate; and/ or God/ Creator.
[1] - "The black box programme and the rose gold flame as antidote" by Magenta Pixie (also mentioned in almost all of her books)
[2] - "Anasta" by Vladimir Megre