I am All That It Is

(Cosmos & Atom/ particle Vision)

Meditation vision of 2016

This very profound and mind/ life-altering vision was experienced by me during a session with Darren Linton (*), a teacher and a founder of Guided by Angels, in 2016. As it happened many times before with him and me, this one-on-one session didn’t go as planned. But Darren provided support and a space to let me go with a flow.

First, as led by Darren, I met appropriate Light beings that surrounded me. They started talking to me what seem to be in a foreign language, as I couldn't understand them. It felt frustrating. One of them came over and tried to fix the “connection link” in front of my face. “Like fixing focus of a camera”, I thought. It didn’t help though. Then some of those beings pointed to a chest area where the heart is. Immediately I knew what it means – “go to/ through the heart space”. It was how I connected a few times before in my prior meditations and so I follow the advice and put my focus on my heart space. Though this time it felt like going under the water in a way.

… I saw myself in cosmos/ space surrounded by planets, stars, galaxies. It was beautiful and breathtaking. The space was dark but lit at the same time – similar to how it is depicted in pictures of cosmos that we all have seen. Then I started expanding in that space, expanding beyond my “physical self” … indefinitely … encompassing everything that I saw… as I WAS … EVERYTHING.

My awareness reached to “every corner of the universe”. It was almost like stretching my arms forever and touching with my fingers the edges, but feeling that space as part of my body at the same time. I sensed energy flowing out of me and felt being a center/ in the center of it all, like a source. Yes! A Source of everything. The energy was peaceful, almost neutral. Planets, stars, galaxies … I was all of them and they were part of me.

Thinking back, those two incredible visions I have were presenting the same thing on two different levels:  global - macro and micro. So above, so below. An atom/ particle contains everything that is required to create the whole universe – stars, planets, galaxies. And it, in itself, is the universe. The energy flowing to/ from an atom is essentially the same as in cosmos. It is one and the same. It is made of the same stuff - energy, Light, Love …

We are, each one of us is all that exist on different levels – vastness of the universe and smallest particle at the same time.

I am … You are ... truly all that it is. Infinite, never ending, ever expanding creation and a creator of all at the same time.

  • A particle, in some representations of creation of the Universe/ World, is considered a Source itself, from which everything sprung to existence. So perhaps, “atom”/ “seed” that I saw in that vision represented a smallest particle in this world and the Source itself at the same time. As it is one and the same.

… After that my vision switched. I felt myself as a different kind of center/ source with a different type of energy coming out of me. It reminded me of an atom somewhat. Jagging, almost lightning like energy rays were shooting from my core. A word "SEED" came to my mind. The seed that has all there is that is required to create life.

Later I came across a channeled information from Buddha. There he talked about an atom not being a material thing but something that has an extension in space and has an intense bright Light inside.

We are one with everything and all of that is part of us, “inside” us is in a very close reach. Anything we want to know can be found there. The truth is inside us - we just need to go within that connect us with everything that exists “outside” of us.

First, we need to remember our true nature and connection to or rather being a part of the Source/ Divine/ Universe/ God whatever you are comfortable calling it. Cosmos, space is an intelligent consciousness, which could be called Source or an extension of Source and therefore us as well. When we are aware of who we really are beyond our physical bodies, all it takes is to close your eyes and go within.

* In 2016, I was fortunate to take several different programs with Darren Linton, who helped thousands of people to connect with Angels and other higher beings of Light. He adjusted his approach somewhat while working with me, tailoring to my needs. Though he probably did the same for others as well.  I am very grateful that life led me to him and for Daren’s support, guidance and encouragement to me.

Throughout sessions with him, I had a lot of very interesting experiences and visions. Some of them were very profound and mind altering as this one.

Darren Linton crossed over a few years after and I am sure he is helping me/ us from the other side.


The Heart Portal/ New Dawn Creation